Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do Barbie's have a negative connotation of the way a young girl looks at herself?

A Barbie is a toy that most young girls have.  Barbies, as you can see in the picture at the left, show a perfect body, perfect smile, perfect make-up, and perfect hair.  Not to mention how she lives in Malibu, has a perfect husband, has a perfect life, and never grows old.  After a girl receives a barbie she usually gets more and more barbies and consequently intrigues a girl to compare herself to a barbie.  Therefore with a barbie that looks so perfect a girl would gain a yearning to become like a barbie. Any girl, especially a young one, wants a perfect life with a perfect body.  Who wouldn't?  This negative outlook on a girl's body may cause them to go to extremes to get like that.  These extremes can range from many things like anorexia, bulimia, attempted suicide, and many more. 
An editorial in the New York Times discussed many things about barbies including, "...I hate Barbie. She gives little girls the message that the only thing that's important is being tall and thin and having a big chest and lots of clothes."  I agree with this 100% because a typical girl looks at another girl who maybe skinnier, prettier, or anything you can think of and say, 'man I wish I could be more like her.'  And as I have previously stated girls go through great measures to look good, including in very extreme measures.     
In conclusion, Barbies definately have a negative connotation on the way a young girl looks at herself.

If you would like to read the rest of the article this article is based off of, click here.

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