Thursday, April 1, 2010

The red indecates there are more bars than grocery stores, and the yellow indecates that there are more grocery stores than bars. On average there are 1.52 bars for every 10,000 people in the U.S,  but the states that make up the beer belly of America are far away from this average. Beer companys are one of the biggest spenders when it come to advertising their product. I found out that miller light pay 30 million dollars just for one minute of air time. They try to put young good looking people in the advertising so you'll thingk "oh, if i drink beet maybe i will be cool to and hang out with cool people." Thats not the case though, you have to take beer and other acholic beverages serious. They can
cause you to get drunk and do ready dumb things. in 2008 13,846 people died from drunk driving.

Rank   State                        Bars per 10,000 population
1         North Dakota          6.54
2         Montana                  6.34
3         Wisconsin                5.88
4         South Dakota          4.73
5         Iowa                        3.73
6         Nebraska                3.68
7         Wyoming                 3.4

Is Online better?

Today, where do most American's spend their time?  On the computer, most are either on google doing research, Facebook checking statuses, checking e-mail, watching YouTube videos, just to name a few.  But with Americans having all this time on the computer slow their brain activity enough to where they are more venerable to fall for online advertising?  This next study shows how it works.  One bit of information they found was, "Further, when asked how frequently they conduct Internet searches for products or services they read about in online articles, the results were eye-popping. Frequency increased from about 50 percent a year ago saying they initiate a search "very frequently" or "somewhat frequently," to 57 percent this year."  As all these differnet social networking sites sky rocket in people and more and more people are constantly on the computer and more are going to these numbers will rise often.  It has also been found that the longer you stay on the computer the more it slows your brain waves for the time you are on the computer.  If you don't have your normal brain waves to distinguish fake claims versus the real, legit advertisments.  Therefore, online advertising is actually better because people are more likely to fall for a sales trap when their brain waves aren't at their "norm."

To read the rest of this study click here.

Poll Analysis

A study in 2003 by Gallup polls shows, that most Americans consider themsleves physically healthy and yet smoke, drink, and/or are overweight.  This graph shows how Americans see themselves according to gallup polls.  Gallup polls got a good bit of information from this poll including, "The results indicate that being overweight is significantly related to poor physical health, even more so than smoking. Drinking alcohol, on the other hand, is associated with good health."  Which I agree with fully, and feel is true.  Being overweight can slow your metabolism, cause diabetes, heart disease, and I could go on forever.  The same with smoking, it causes many health problems including cancers, breathing problems, shortened life span, and so on.These are also the three most commonn habits of the average American.  As Americans we see a commercial every single time a show goes for a break and even on family channels you will see advertising for beer, weight loss supplements, quit smoking patches, this only encourages it at a younger age because anyone can see any commercial at any time. 

If you would like to see gallup's article about this study click here.

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