Thursday, April 1, 2010

The red indecates there are more bars than grocery stores, and the yellow indecates that there are more grocery stores than bars. On average there are 1.52 bars for every 10,000 people in the U.S,  but the states that make up the beer belly of America are far away from this average. Beer companys are one of the biggest spenders when it come to advertising their product. I found out that miller light pay 30 million dollars just for one minute of air time. They try to put young good looking people in the advertising so you'll thingk "oh, if i drink beet maybe i will be cool to and hang out with cool people." Thats not the case though, you have to take beer and other acholic beverages serious. They can
cause you to get drunk and do ready dumb things. in 2008 13,846 people died from drunk driving.

Rank   State                        Bars per 10,000 population
1         North Dakota          6.54
2         Montana                  6.34
3         Wisconsin                5.88
4         South Dakota          4.73
5         Iowa                        3.73
6         Nebraska                3.68
7         Wyoming                 3.4

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